El grupo ZFB seeks to contribute to the generation of value for our clients, collaborators, shareholders and other interest groups, building mutually beneficial relationships, living our corporate principles and contributing sustainably to the business development of the country and the region.
6 current agreements with universities and SENA, 38 qualified, complementary and bilingual training programs, 1,052 students (2015): 58% ZFBO, 42% surrounding community.
Movilidad sostenible
Actions on the road; axle, patching, closure of separators, table, work with Transmilenio, car sharing plan and road safety
Red de usuario
Made up of 90 companies, teaching work, occupational health and safety system, sustainable mobility strategies, first steps in CSR with the U. externship, management of apprentices with UNIFRANCA, human resources committee, community relations table
In 2007, the company responded to the international call of the United Nations Global Compact for companies to assume a clear commitment to 10 principles of responsible management, framed in the promotion and protection of human rights and labor rights, the mitigation of environmental impacts and anti-corruption practices.
Since that moment we have made progress in understanding and adapting our management towards sustainable practices, which improve our work, mitigate our negative impacts and allow us to consolidate lasting relationships with our stakeholders.
The progress achieved so far is evidenced in the following reports: